We Scream for Ice Cream Cookies!

We Scream for Ice Cream Cookies!

Amanda of @minimandakay brings these adorable ice cream cookies to the next level with 3 flavors of icing. Learn how she does it, and create your own flavor combos! 


 I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream! Well...ice cream cone cookies. For these cookies I flavored the icing with extracts so each scoop of “ice cream” tastes like the real thing.

What you’ll need:

-CookieCutterKingdom Ice Cream Cone Cookie Cutter
-Your favorite sugar cookie dough recipe (CookieCutterKingdom recipe here)
-Royal icing in mint green, orange, pink, light brown (CookieCutterKingdom recipe here)
-Flavor extracts (mint, orange, strawberry)
-Finely chopped dark chocolate
-Scribe Tool
-Gel food coloring (I most frequently use Americolor and Spectrum)
-Rolling pin (an adjustable pin or guides help make an even sheet of dough)
-Piping bags



I wanted an ice cream cone that had big, sloppy scoops of ice cream piled on top of each other. To achieve this effect cut out additional scoops and using the top of the cookie cutter trim the bottom of each scoop so when “stacked” they will sit nicely on top of one another. I intentionally made these cuts unevenly so the scoops would be lopsided.
Start by outlining and filling the cone with light brown icing. Let the cookies sit for 10­ 15 minutes then go back over the cone and pipe a crosshatch in the same color to get that iconic waffle cone look.

The icing for the scopes of ice cream are flavored to correspond to their color. Green = mint, orange = orange, and pink = strawberry. Be careful when using extracts to flavor. A little bit goes a long way.

In addition to flavoring the icing, the mint scoop has bits of chopped chocolate. For mint chocolate chip outline and fill the top scoop along with some dripping down with green (mint) icing. While the icing is still wet place bits of chocolate into it. I found my scribe tool to be extremely helpful with this task. Tweezers would work as well.

Working downward outline and fill the next two scoops (orange and pink). Wait 10­-15 minutes between scoops and before continuing to the next step.

To finish, outline each scoop and add swirls and curlicues following their contours. And there you have it - a mountain of delicious ice cream!

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